Monday, May 28, 2018


            Today we will study about the king of fruits and the national fruit of India the one and only the favourite of all  age groups ie Mango .Mango is mostly found on the Konkan belts so it is called Konkan cha Raja means Konkan's king .Mango has been called as Amrut fruit also. Its a seasonal fruit and we get it from Month of April till mid of June. It needs hot humid climatical conditions and sandy soil this type of climate is found in India so we get the most of the portion of harvest of mango in India .Till date there is no fix evidence of the beginning of this fruit but looking into the history of 250 to 300 years this tree may be  from south and south west regions of India. Their are many varieties of mango like Alphanso which is commonly called as Hapus in India, Payri, Totapuri, Kesar, Fernandez, Raywal, Maniknbhat, Neelam, Mankur, Ghonta, and many more. Ripe mango juice contains vitamin A and C in maximum quantity which is  good medicine on skin disease.

            South Asia is harvesting mangoes from thousands of year. Mango is the National fruit of India and Pakistan, Mango tree is a National tree of Bangladesh and National Symbol of Philippines. In India and South Asia cultural importance has been given to Mango,
Small branches of mango trees has been used in many rituals of Indian Hindu communities  of India .
            Variety of mango fruit depends upon the climatical condition of the region , as per the region its  soil the taste differs it has its own unique taste. Mango tree grows upto 40 feet, its leaves are 4 to 5 inches long. In spring season the tree starts getting small red leaves and then they grow into long dark green colour, the tree starts flowering and this flowers are called as "Ambyacha Mohar" or "Amramanjiri" in Marathi.
            Mango is eaten in different style as per its shape and size we can enjoy the fruit in many ways as per our comfort and style its realy divine. Gavti Amba is a one type of mango variety which can be enjoyed by sucking the juice of it directly using your mouth for that first we have to press the mango from all sides carefully so that it doesn't opens up from any side we have to open the cap of the mango and it is situated on the top of it where it is attached to the stem. At end of the cap and the stem a white juice is present which should be removed first and then enjoy the fruit .
If we gulp the white juice which is present in the opening of mango it destroys the taste buds of our tongue it is dangerous to gulp that juice because its reaction can make us ill as well as we can get pimples on our face.
            Langda, Neelam and Totapuri are the varieties of mangoes which has to be eaten before they get fully riped. Some of the Magoes get riped their juice is eaten with adding clarified butter and black pepper it enhances its taste.
            When India was ruled by British they have named mango as bathroom fruit because while eating mango we spoil our hands mouth dress so they use to eat mangoes in bathroom.
Each and every fruit or vegetable they have there own gender but in case of mango when it is in raw form it is known as "Kairy" in Marathi which is feminine name but as soon as it is ripe it changes its gender in masculine name as "Amba" in Marathi means mango .and it changes its characteristics also ie when it is eaten  raw it gives us  soothing effect to our body as well as it is a acid neutralizer and when it is eaten ripe it increases metabolism of our body, those who have heat problems they should eat mango in limited proportion.
         In early days mango yeild was limited as soon as its demand in market increased rapidly people started plantations of mango trees  .many different kind of mango recipes were invented in early days and now we have a wide range of mango recipes which are prepared in all household.
          First we will study raw mango recipes, raw mangoes contains potassium, tartaric, citric, and malic acid so we can preserve raw mango recipes for a year and more. Recipes like pickle,panha(a type of juice),,salads are made from mixing cucumber and raw mangoes or bengal gram dal and raw mango which is called as Pachdi, Chunda, Takku, Methamba, Ambyacha Khula, Kairi Sauce, Raw mango Juice, Chutney, Kairas, "Amboshi "this is made by peeling and chopping raw mango and then they are sundried Amboshi is later used in many curries, vegetables ,fish recipes to enhance the recipe by the sour taste. In north India powder of Amboshi is well known as Amchur and is used in mostly each and every recipe they cook , in Gujarat it is well known as Amboliya. many more recipes are cooked with raw mangoes many Goan or South Indian recipes they add raw mango in curries and vegetables .raw mango Murabba is a medicinal dish which increases blood in body
            Now we will study some interesting recipes from ripe mangoes, Aamras is the all time favourite recipe of all ages, we can enjoy this recipe as a sweet desert in all the celebration or function in the season of April to June. A big business has been put up in all Konkan areas, where mango yeild is in ample form they boil the mango juice adding sugar and preservatives and pack them so that we can store it for a year and enjoy the fruit the whole year. Aamras-Poli, Amba Barfi, Aamras Dhokla, Aamras Shevya, Aamrasatil Shevya, Ambyache Paysam, Ambyache Sasam, Ambyache Human means tampered mango curry, mango cake and many more.
            Once while traveling by road in south India in the farm of mangoes i found some people cooking interesting thing from mango on wood fire,  with my food enthusiasm i went their to check. They were cooking mango pulp in big vessels on wood fire they added jaggery and sugar to it then spread the cooked batter on  bamboo structure for sundry as soon as it dries  they put one more layer of batter for sundry ,This procedure goes on till  1inch broad layer is obtained and its length is upto 1 kilometer ,this is then cut into square shapes and send to market for sell it is very well known as "Aampapad" in the market, and has a popular demand .It can be stored for a year. Now days big factories has been set for the same where they are prepared with utmost hygiene.
                  One more  famous ice cream made from mango  which is worldwide popular is known as Mastani  And we get it in Pune in Maharashtra.
           Seeing the popularity of mango i also invented a new dish which is known as Cheese mango bite i would like to share the recipe with you.
            Ingredients for the same are Mango diskined and cut in square cubes, cheese grated 1cup add 1/2 cup of milk mix and cook it in double boiler , bread crumbs 1 cup and cornstarch 1 spoon mix well and keep aside, oil for frying sate sticks or toothpicks. Method skew the mango cubes in sate sticks dip them in the cheese batter roll them in crumbs freeze them for an hour and deep fry them on medium heat take it out immediately and serve them hot.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


Wherever we travel in India and now abroad too the only breakfast which gives you homely feel  is the one and only "Idli" , favourite of all ages from babies to older ones everyone is in love with it .
            Today we will dig into its origin, I know everyone must be eager to know its history... so lets go and learn something interesting stories about our all time favourite foodlady "Idli".
            Idli has the oldest Origin,  in the period of 800 to 1200  century it has been noted in many Granthas  like Mansolas, nalpakshasthra  khadyagranth .we all have that prediction  about idli as a south indian food but we have studied that it has its origin from other places too .
            In early century in arab countries a dish similar to idli named as" riceball" which was served with chutney can be find out in historical books. 
            A big historian k .Acharya says Indonesia must be  the origin of  Idli,as per his study recipies made by fermenting ingredients is an old method of Indonesia. In the 800 to 1200 century many cook of Indian kings had gone to Indonesia and from there only they brought the recipe of Idli with them.but many historian are against this study .
Nalraja the writer of An old recipe book 'Nalpakdarpan' which is written in sanskrit has evidents of Idli in it, but it was called as 'Idrika'.

            While studying  Kannada sahitya in 920 century idli was called as 'Idlige' and in lokopkara granth which is written by chamundaray.  he has mentioned that black lentil was soaked in curd and then grind with adding the same curd water in it and used to steam them which is also called as Idli.
            In Manasalos granth they have mentioned that idli is made with Dehusked blacklentil ,in this procedure the lentil is soaked then grinded then spread in a flat plate and kept for fermentation, then they are steamed in small round bowls closed with wet cloth .while serving they were garnished with hot clarrified butter blackpepper powder and asafotida.
            Many experiments were done in India to get Idli recipe  they tried with coconut water ,coconut milk ,Tadi nira (palmwine),and finally we got Idli  .after many years many lookalike recipies were also invented like appam,idiappam,appe then after sometime Nirdosa ,dosa were also invented
In Tamil nadu a word "itta-avi" which means a recipe in which the batter is spread into a flat plate and steamed, if we join this two words 'ittavi 'word is born and after a period it is pronounced as 'ittvi ' and after a period   idli was a newborn name for the same.
            In early days Gujarat has also a recipe named 'Idra' was prepared which was same like Idli.
            This recipe is prepared with rice flour batter which is spread into flat plates and steamed then garnished with tampered mustardseeds , asafetida and then they were cut in square shapes and served and this recipe is still been cooked in gujarat homes till date. but now it is named as white or pandhra dhokla.
            One more historian claims that assam and Meghalaya which are popular for bamboo.
            They Cook a unique dish and the process was really different ,an  old bamboo tree flowers after 60 years of his age and this flowers polangrains are  black seeds and were like rice only. they use to soak this rice then grind it and pour the batter into bamboo and steam it and serve it with chutney .
            On the beaches of Kerala a recipe named 'Putta'
            Is very popular, this recipe is  made by soaking the rice in palmwine with freshly grated coconut this batter is poured into pipe like bowls and steamed and served hot with chickpea thick curry or vegetable stew and Papad ,this recipe is very popular in sinhali region.Idli is very popular in Sri lanka too.But now Idli is  totally named and  popular as south indian breakfast dish in all over the world. 
Variety of chutneys and sambhar are served with Idli, Idli really compliments well with any kind of chutney. Pud chutney is one kind of chutney which is made by combination of many spices and pulses and lentils which are dry roast and then grind into powdered chutney.

            Alamm pachdi, sintakai pachdi, variety of coconut chutney are served with Idli. sambhara is one of the most complimenting dish served with idli it is prepared with combination of many types of vegetables ,pulses ,coconut gravy and tampered with mustard seeds asafetida curry leaves fenugreek seeds, Their is a historic importance for sambhara .once when Sambhaji Maharaj visited Karnataka and he had split gram dal curry that is popularly known as waran in Maharashtra with idli and he just loved the combination, after that incident it got so popular that they named it Sambhara after the name of Sambhaji Maharaja .Many of them says that in sambhar 12 different ingredients are used so it is named as 'Samabhar'  means equal amount of all ingredients.
            As per region and its climatically conditions differ many of the regions where black lentil was very heavy to digest , people replaced it with split green gram .And in many places they started making idli with only rice, now  idli is made with wheat semolina also.
In my home we have started making different type of idli and i would love to share my recipe with you all so that you can try something new for breakfast and the recipe is.......

 3 cups of dosa rice,2cups of flattened rice that is poha and cream 1 cup or homemade butter1 cup  grinded and fermented and then steamed .this recipe of idli is so tasty that it doesn't need any chutney or Sambhar to compliment it .
Here you have the history of Idli its as long as it is older than 1000 years .

Credits : Mangesh, Gaurav Duvedi & Prajakta Shahapurkar